Leisure pool, sauna and spa now open!

Leisure pool, sauna and spa now open!

Personal Training

If you need extra motivation, individual attention, and greater fitness knowledge, our personal training programs are the ideal solution.

YMCA Personal Training is a results-based program tailored to your individual needs. Our qualified personal trainers cater for beginners and the ‘not-so-fit’ right through to elite athletes.

With YMCA Personal Training the focus is on you! Whether you’re looking to increase your overall energy, lose weight, sculpt, or gain a physical advantage in sport, our trainers will design a personalised program specific to your health and fitness goals and work with you to achieve them.

Get the benefits of personal training:

PT-Icons_Trianing.png#asset:7529Tailored TrainingPT-Icons_Weight-Loss.png#asset:7528Fat Loss
PT-Icons_Muscle-Gain.png#asset:7511Muscle GainPT-Icons_Max-Results.png#asset:7522Maximise Results
Biometric Body ScanPT-Icons_Good-Habits.png#asset:7526Good Habits


New PT clients receive a complimentary biometric body scan and consultation with a trainer to establish your fitness goals. You can also lower the cost per session by doing PT with a friend with our 1:2 packages. All PT sessions are 30 minutes.

Introductory offer*

1:1 Person1:2 People
3 X PT Sessions$115$135

Ongoing Prices

1:1 Person1:2 People
5 X PT Sessions$215$250
10 X PT Sessions$385$450

Complete the Form to Get Started

Click to expand and submit PT request
Would you prefer a female or male trainer?  
How often do you want to train?